welcome to Jeongseon About Jeongseon

본문 바로가기 초점을 받기위한 요소


Republic of Korea
Gangwon-do Province
Jeongseon-gun County
Yeoryang-myeon, Imgy-myeon, Hwaam-myeon, Gohan-eup, Sabuk-eup, Nam-myeon, Sindong-eup, Jeonseon-eups, Bukpyeong-myeon
East end
  • Location : Gamok-ri Imgye-myeon Jeongseon-gun
  • Distance : East-West (40.25km)
  • Place name : Gamok Imgye-myeon Jeongseon-gun
  • Extreme point : 128˚ 59'
West end
  • Location : Hoedong-ri Jeongseon-eup Jeongseon-gun
  • Place name : Hoedong Jeongseon-eup Jeongseon-gun
  • Extreme point : 128˚ 30'
South end
  • Location : Gohan-ri Gohan-eup Jeongseon-gun
  • Distance : North-South (44.45km)
  • Place name : 37˚ 09'
North end
  • Location :Imgye-ri Imgye-myeon Jeongseon-gun
  • Place name: Hwaseong Imgye-myeon Jeongseon-gun
  • Extreme point: 37˚ 35’