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Silver Grass Musem

Silver Grass Musem

Silver Grass Exhibition opened at Byeoreogok Station in September 26, 2009. Byeoreogok Station located at Nam-myeon Jeongseon-gun Gangwon-do is a station of Jeongseon Line. A commuters´ train was run until 2007. Mugunghwa train which runs from Auraji Station and Jecheon Station to Seoul has stopped this station 4 times a day since 2008. Silver Grass Exhibition is opereated from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in summer and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in winter.  

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  • museum

    Museum & GallerySilver Grass Musem

Classification: Tourist Attraction/Museum
Characteristic: the cultural place of residents and tourists
Relation Keyword: silver grass, Byeoreogok Station, silver grass festival
Information Use
  • Address: 83, Chilhyeon-ro, Nam-myeon, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do    
  • Phone: +82-33-591-1004     
  • Homepage: None   
  • Holidays: every Friday, Saturday and Sunday      
  • Hours: summer 09:00~18:00 / winter 09:00~17:00    
  • Admission fee: Free     
  • Charges: Free           
  • Parking: Parking Allowed 
  • Parking fees: Free
  • Recommended Season: All seasons    
  • Nearby Attractions: Hwaam Cave, Mindungsan Mountain, Jeongseon Rail Bike     
  • last update: 2016-08-31 
Tourist guide

Byeoreogok Station started as a common station in 1967 but passengers reduced rapidly so it was changed as a temporary station in March, 2005. In 2009, the station was remodelled as Silver Grass Exhibition. It makes people recollect old memories. Silver Grass Exhibition is on the first floor and has two Exhibitions(a Silver Grass Exhibition, A Folk History Museum), a passenger waiting room and outdoor space. There are a silver grass explanation drawing, silver grass habitat pictures, Mindungsan Mountain model picture, silver grass handicrafts and silver grass growth samples in Silver Grass Exhibition. There are Nam-myeon famous place pictures, folk relics, folk history, Jeongseon Arirang promotion materials and Jeongseon-gun promotion materials in the Folk History Museum.

Tourist Tips

If you are excited at Silver Grass Exhibition, we recommend you to visit Mindongsan Mountain silver grass field. Mindungsan Mountain located between Nam-myeon Byeoreogok and Jeungsan Mountain is 1118.8 m high. Like its name, its peak is a flat field so there are tremendous silver grasses instead of trees. It is one of five silver grass habitats in Korea. In the middle of October, the field of tens of thousands pyeong is covered with silver grass. In winter as well as in fall, the silver grass covered with white snow boast their beauty. Mindungsan Silver Grass Festival has been held in the middle of October every year since 1996. This mountain is not steep so it is good for family hiking. It takes one and half hour to walk from Jeungsan to Mindungsan Mountain Peak.