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Arari Puppet House

Arari Puppet House

Arari Puppet House was founded with the purpose of producing puppet show and playing puppet show including exhibition and education at Najeon School in Jeongseon, 1998. It was designated as Ganwon-do Specialty Arts Corporation in 2002. Najeon School was renovated to a puppet museum, and puppets that appeared shows have been exhibited since 2004.    

  • Arari Puppet House
  • museum

    Museum & Gallery Arari Puppet House

Characteristic: It was designated as Ganwon-do Specialty Arts Corporation in 2002
Information Use
  • Address: 43-5, Myeongjunae-gil, Bukpyeong-myeon, Jeongseon County, Gangwon-do
  • Phone: +82-33-563-9667       
  • Homepage:    
  • Holidays: Closed Every Monday (Except July 18-August 23)     
  • Admission fee: Entry Fee: 1,000 won    
  • Charges: Free           
  • Parking: Parking Allowed 
  • Parking fees: Free
  • Recommended Season: Four seasons Recommended
  • Nearby Attractions: Gariwangsan Mountain, Baekseok Falls, Najeon Station
  • etc: Not pets allowed/No food or drink allowed   
  • last update: 2016-09-13   
Tourist guide

It is 9km of Jeongseon-eup, and it was founded by An Jeongeun who ran the first Korean puppet theater for 30 years. He rented Najeon School as a puppet studio and exhibited a few puppets in 1998. Then, he opened Arari Puppet House on April 30th, 2002. As it displays puppets for shows professionally, the puppets that appeared on world and national shows are housed. Usually, a puppet is being used for one show for long time, the puppets at the museum have a long history, and they are valuable.

Tourist Tips

Even though it is a rare exhibition, the entry fee is very cheap. Guests can decide how much they pay (minimum fee: 1,000won) and insert money in the collecting box. The puppet house is held annual Jeonseion puppet festival called, ’Jeongseonggokdunorijanji Festival’ that children and adults can enjoy together. It expects that the annual festival becomes a famous festival like Chuncheon Puppet Festival and Mime Festival that citizens of the world can get together.