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Mindungsan Mountain

Mindungsan Mountain

This is a mountain with very little vegetation. There is a kind of reed that grows there called Purple Eulalia ( You never heard that before right?! Me neither !? ) In mid October there is a reed Festival. There's a hiking trail starting at Mt. Tae Bak hiking station. 1km from the hiking station is. Jeung San Elementary School, then the top of the mountain is 4km. from the school and takes about 90minutes.

  • Mindungsan Mountain
  • travelbag

    Famous SightMindungsanMountain

Characteristic: Famous for Purple Eulalia field in the top of the mountain.       
Information Use
  • Address: 12, Mindungsan-ro, Nam-myeon, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do
  • Phone: +82-1544-9053
  • Homepage: None
  • Holidays: Open year-round 
  • Hours: Always available
  • Admission fee: Free 
  • Charges: Free 
  • Parking: None
  • Parking fees: None
  • Recommended Season: All seasons 
  • Nearby Attractions: Gobyeong Valley, Palbong Mountain, Ji-eok Mountain
  • last update: 2016-12-13             
Tourist Tips

The Mindungsan Mountain Trail is famous for the flame grass festival and the hiking course has a steep and soft slope on opposite sides, so families, friends and couples can choose the course of their liking and meet at the top.