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Jeongseon Arirang Traning Center

Jeongseon Arirang Learning Center

Jeongseon Arirang Learning Center was established on October 7, 2001 in order to preserve and nurture Gangwon-do Intangible Cultural Asset No.1 Jeongseon Arirang and succeed and develop traditional local culture.

  • Jeongseon Arirang Learning Center
  • travelbag

    Famous Sight-Jeongseon Arirang Learning Center

Characteristic: Preservation and nurture of Gangwon-do Intangible Cultural Asset No.1 Jeongseon Arirang
Information Use
  • Address: 69, Auraji-gil, Yeoryang-myeon, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do
  • Phone: +82-33-560-2897
  • Homepage: None
  • Holidays: Open year-round
  • Hours: Always available
  • Admission fee: Free
  • Charges: 15,000won
  • Parking: Parking Allowed
  • Parking fees: Free
  • Recommended Season: All seasons
  • Nearby Attractions: Jeongamsa Temple, Auraji, Arari Village
  • last update: 2016-09-19
Tourist guide

It takes about 3 hours to drive from Seoul. It is located at Auraji River. There are learning rooms and material rooms on the first floor and Jeongseon Arirang performane stage and image facilities on the second floor. In the late Goryeo dynasty, loyal subjects of Gorye dynasty moved to Jeongseon and wrote poems in chinese character about thier loyalty for the king and the missing for their hometown. Classical scholars translated these poems for those who didn't understand chinese character. These translated poems mixed with folk songs became Jeongseon Arirnag. This is the place for studying Jeongseon Arirnag.

Tourist Tips

It was listed in the UNESCO Representative Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in December 2012, and was also newly remodeled in 2014 to provide more convenient facilities for visitors so that they can feel the emotion and essence of Arirang in a more comfortable environment.