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Gariwangsan Camping Site

Gariwangsan Camping Site

Gariwangsan Natural Recreation Forest located at Jeongseon-eup has the first, second and third camping sites. The third one is an auto-camping site. The first camping site has a total of 20 decks. The second camping site is considered to have the best environment as it is located the top end of the forest and has only five decks. The third auto-camping site has a total of 20 decks.

  • Gariwangsan Camping Site
  • camping

    Camp & ValleyGariwangsan Camping

Characteristic: The nation's largest natural broadleaf tree forest
Information Use
  • Address: 691 Gariwangsan-ro Jeongseon-gun GangwonState
  • Phone: +82-33-562-7062
  • Holidays: Open year-round
  • Hours: 15:00-12:00 of following day
  • Admission fee: Free
  • Charges: 9,000-120,000 won for lodging / 1,000-3,000 won for experience program
  • Parking: Parking Allowed
  • Recommended Season: All seasons
  • Nearby Attractions: Hwaam Cave, Sky Walk, Gariwangsan Mountain
  • last update: 2016-08-02
Tourist guide

At the entrance of Gariwangsan Natural Recreation Forest, there is an ice cave, which maintains 4 degrees in the middle of summer. From the entrance, there come the third auto-camping site and the first and second sites in order. It has many things to see, including Forest Experience Center, Walkway, Trail, Suspension Bridge, Mumyeong Falls, so that visitors can stay overnight in harmony with nature. Besides fees for camping site, it requires additional costs including entrance fees, parking fees and garbage bag costs.

Tourist Tips

Gariwangsan Camping Site is located within Gariwangsan Natural Recreation Forest commanding a scenic beauty in combination with the nation's best natural broadleaf forest, rare yew trees, Abies koreana trees and mountain ashes. It runs according to a reservation system. At the entrance of the recreation forest, visitors can undergo an identification process and pay entrance fees and garbage bag fees. Then, they can receive deck keys and information brochures. Electricity is not available here, and visitors are strictly prohibited from using any firewoods or charcoal fire. They are allowed to use only portable gas stoves and burners. Check-in starts from 3 p.m. and check-out must be finished at noon of the following day. Furthermore, visitors must keep in mind that no pets are allowed here. This mountain is named after an episode that King Galwang took refuge here, and renamed Gariwangsan Mountain after the rule of Japanese colony. It is 1,560.6m high above the sea level and serves as a roof of the Taebaek Mountain Range. It has a gentle slope, so becomes famous as a mountain-climbing trail.