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Yongmaso Pond

Yongmaso Pond

"In the middle of the Joseon Dynasty, a country woman named Mrs. Kim had a son. Three days after her son was born, he was running around the house and even got up onto a shelf in the room. When Mrs. Kim saw this, she was surprised and thought that the boy would become someone great one day. Then a feeling of fear overcame her because at that time some family members would often face a horrible death from the political enemies of an influential person. Rather than face this peril, Mrs. Kim decided to kill her son. So while the baby slept, she killed him by smashing his head on a rock. A few days later, at the foot of the mountain a swift horse appeared behind the village. The horse looked desperately for its master throughout the village. Eventually it drowned in its pursuit in a deep puddle of mud". Today it is called " Young Ma So ". Young Ma So has the sad boy's soul showing his ambition taken away by his parents ignorance and foolishness as well as the soul of a his swift horse.

  • Yongmaso Pond
  • travelbag

    8 scenic
    Views of Hwaam
    Yongmaso Pond

Characteristic: the third scenic view of Eight Scenic Views of Hwaam       
Information Use
  • Address: 1306-1, Hwaam-ri, Hwaam-myeon, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do 
  • Phone: +82-33-562-1944                         
  • Homepage: None        
  • Holidays: Open year-round 
  • Hours: Always available
  • Admission fee: Free  
  • Charges: Camping Site: None
  • Recommended Season: All seasons   
  • Nearby Attractions: Hwaam Yaksu Camping Site, Hwaam Cave, Jeongamsa Temple
  • last update: 2017-09-01