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Jeongseon Arirang Festival

Arirang Festival

Jeongseon Arirang Festival
History: Jeongseon Arirang, along with other Arirang, are traditional Korean folk songs about love and the joys and sorrows of life. Local residents want to keep and pass along the spirit of the Jeongseon Arirang. So since 1976, they have held the Jeongseon Arirang festival.
The purposes of the festival are many. As mentioned above, people feel the spirit of Jeongseon Arirang. It is also a time to play traditional games and hand down traditional folk customs to the younger generation. The festival brings people together and builds a unity within the city. Also, in 1977, a Jeongseon Arirang Tombstone was built on Mt Bee Bong.
JeongSeon Arirang was written by a group of seven scholars from the Goryeo dynasty. They swore their allegiance to their former king when the new Joseon dynasty began. They went into hiding and began to write Chinese poetry as a means of expressing their feelings and ideas. Their poetry helped others understand their plight. People sang the poems and passed them on. Jeongseon Arirang was one such poem.
Event Information
Event Information
Name Month Major Event
Arirang Festival September or October Jeongseon Arirang Festival